WORKS 2010-2020 Earth at Night III2014 This project stems from an exploration of forms relating to global cities. Tracing illuminated lines, reflecting on several issues; the distribution of power and wealth, urban expansion, the demand for resources and the resulting ecological concerns.Sampled Space (Global City Soundscape I)2014 "A sampler, a machine that reprocesses musical products, also implies constant activity... This recycling of sounds, images, and forms implies incessant navigation within the meanderings of cultural history, navigation which itself becomes the subject of artistic practice." Postproduction -Nicolas Bourriaud Sampled Space is a project that was presented for the first time at Four Corners Gallery in London in 2013, which stems from the artists involvement as a sound system DJ from 1995 onwards.Emory2013 This bronze work forms an element of a modular, reconfigurable sculptural installation. The elements can be arranged and rearranged and expanded upon. It is a framework for an ever changing stream of information. This particular element was forged after spending time with Emory Douglas, the African-American artist and designer for the Black Panthers, and thinking around the possibilities of art and protest. The paintbrush belonged to the Iranian painter, Elmira Iravani.City Layers (Interlaced I)2015 "Cities are the result of complex processes of layering through time. These processes have both contributed to the shaping of the physical landscape inhabited today and also, much more subtly, created an atmosphere of use. Also, could be termed 'intangible' layers, centred on the social dimension of the city."Untitled_Blue_Light_14_NYC_Jaykoe_2300pxParkour_I_JaykoeCity_Distortions_I_JaykoeCulture_Outlasts_the_Systems_of_Oppression_III_Jaykoe_2000px_cropSoundsystem_Culture_and_Urbanisation_Jaykoe_2017_2000px_cropCulture_Outlasts_the_Systems_of_Oppression_I_Jaykoe_2017_2000px_crop